All posts by steppek

…and Go!

Today is July 30th…and that is the date we are starting this whole crazy challenge of podcasting everyday.

Subscribe to the feed on the Dog Days of Podcasting site to keep track of all the podcasts. Even though we do have an aggregated feed, we do urge you to subscribe to the various shows that everyone produces. You can find the participating podcasters here.



Podcaster: Andrew Eckhart
Show: ImageChaos

My name is Andrew and I like sharing with the world my views. By views I mean my completely correct evaluations of things in everyday life… and by world I mean three or four people. I’m glad you’ve taken the time to stop by. If you’re interested in any more of my thoughts (perhaps the rated G ones?), visit me over at

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Jason Tucker

Podcaster: Jason Tucker
Show: Jason Tucker’s Dog Days

I’m Jason Tucker a web developer and owner of Tucker.Pro a web dev shop in Whittier, CA. I’ve been using WordPress at some capacity for the last 9 years and love working with it. I enjoy combining my love for WordPress, social media and live streaming to bring my clients an all encompassing experience for their customers. I participate in the OCWP meetup in Orange County where I provide live streaming solutions for folks unable to make our meetups. I’m also the host of a weekly webshow on YouTube and podcast on iTunes.

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Ready, Set….

It is almost that time where we start our 30 day (actually 31 days) journey podcasting once a day for the entire month of August.

To keep up with all the podcasting during the challenge I have created a feed that has all the podcasts from all the podcasters which is here. Remember you can subscribe to everyone individually. This collective feed is just to bring it all into one place.

So, tomorrow is when the fun all starts! Subscribe with your favorite podcatcher and listen up!

If you want to get in on the action yourself and podcast everyday for 30 (31) days head to the Dog Days site and sign up!


Careers in New Media/Career Opportunities/A Gardener’s Notebook and more!

Podcaster: Douglas E. Welch
Show: Careers in New Media/Career Opportunities/A Gardener’s Notebook and more!

I do a variety of shows, but I will probably release all of my “Dog Days” shows as part of my Careers in New Media blog and podcast. It seems a good fit for that series, even though I might be releasing shows for the others podcasts, too, during that time.

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