The Dog Days of Advent

(Not a dog)

‘Tis the season of giving, but in a digital age, shipping parcels across the world or sending Christmas cards seems a bit expensive and a little bit much. Plus, who can send something to their closest 500 friends on social media?

Instead, why not send emotions? Send stories, ideas, whimsy, celebration. Send a bit of yourself this Christmas, and share with your friends. Share it with your enemies! Share it with anyone who happens to subscribe.

Countdown the days to December 25, or tell a tale every 2.5 days, or whatever schedule you like. Crack open a fizzy delight, or take a baker’s dozen of sweet stories. Make it short, like a morsel of chocolate or cheese behind a tiny cardboard door.

Whatever you do: have fun! And Merry Christmas, one and all!

Start Date: December 1st, 2024
End Date: December 25th, 2024
Rules: Podcast Once a day (or so) for 25 days over the month of December. Show length is up to you. Most vary from 3 – 5 Min.

Come and Sign up for the DDOA!

**Note**: We will not be re-posting everyone’s podcast or hosting any here…we are simply a directory for those participating.